Android Certificate Download For User

  1. Android Certificate Download For Username
  2. Install Certificate Android
  3. Android Certificate Download For User Guide
  4. Android Certificate Download For User Windows 10

An exception to this is Android, which has two stored: one for system certificates (which come with Android itself) and user authorities (which the user has installed themselves). Android is rather paranoid about SSL certificates, so installing a certificate the official way is made as user-unfriendly as possible. Installing an SSL Certificate on an Android Device (Manually). If you did not download the certificate file on the Android device that you are installing it on, you must transfer the certificate file to that device (e.g. Via transfer cable or email). If the certificate is present in the list of User certificates, then the certificate. AlarmClock; BlockedNumberContract; BlockedNumberContract.BlockedNumbers; Browser; CalendarContract; CalendarContract.Attendees; CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts.

Add certificate to android

Disclaimer: I am new to Xamarin/cross platform development so some of my assumptions may raise a few eyebrows

We are building a cross platform client application that needs to communicate with a server over WebSockets. The server requires the client to present a certificate when connecting (in addition to a username and password).
For the WebSocket communication we are using websocket-sharp ( which allows us to pass in the client certificate to use.
From an operational point of view, we would like to pre-install the 'client' certificates on the devices (Windows PCs, Android and iOS devices) that will be authorized to communicate with the server. At execution time, our client application would use the already deployed/installed certificate in order to communicate with the server.

For testing purposes, I have created a few self-signed certificates and installed them on a PC and a few Android devices (diff API levels). In the future we would probably purchase certificates issued by a trusted CA, but, for now/development, self-signed should be enough (I would hope so anyway ).

Here is who I am trying to retrieve the certificate:

var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
var certificates = store.Certificates; // later use these certificates with the websocket client.

This code works great on Windows, but it fails to retrieve anything on Android. It does not throw anything, it simply does not return anything. The store.StoreHandle is zero when executed on Android, which leads me be to believe that it failed to retrieve a reference to the actual store.
I have tried different store names/locations (just to see if any would work) without success. The application has INTERNET and USER_CREDENTIALS permissions. (I even tried enabling all the permissions, just in case...)

After a few days of research, I tried using the java API to see if I could retrieve the user certificate(s) that way. Long story short, I was able to retrieve the currently installed CA certificates (which I don't care about ) using the KeyStore API and the user certificates (which I am interested in!) using the KeyChain API.
// Needs to be called at least once when the application is first executed. Will prompt the user to select a certificate
KeyChain.ChoosePrivateKeyAlias(this, this, null, null, null, -1, 'example');
var result = KeyChain.GetCertificateChain(Application.Context, 'example');
var firstCertificate = result[0]; // just for test

While this approach seems to 'work', I am being faced with another problem. I need .NET X509Certificates (System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate), not Java.Security.Cert.X509Certificate. I do not suppose that is a way of 'converting' the java certificate representation to .NET...

Any suggestions? I would really love to be able to use the .NET API, but, at this point, I am open to anything .

I am attaching one of my test projects together with the sample certificate (the password for the example.pfx file is 'password' - no quotes).

Android Certificate Download For Username

Thank you,

I know that I could simply create a X509Certificate2 by passing in the path to the .pfx file, but I do not want to do it that way. I want to read the certificate from the device's store.


var certificate = new X509Certificate2('/storage/emulated/0/Download/', 'password');

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Install Certificate Android

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Android Certificate Download For User Guide

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Android Certificate Download For User Windows 10

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