Counter Strike Game For Android Free Download

Counter Strike 1.6 apk download the latest model for Android. Download full apk of counter and strike 1.6. Counter strike 1.6 is an outstanding first-person shooter game that has been evolved below the banner of gearbox software. Counter and strike 1.6 apk free download on Full Version APK website.Counter and strike are considered as 1 of the best capturing video games of all instances. In this game, you’ll either be a part of the terrorist group who will create chaos or can join the counter-terrorism team who will rip aside all of the terrorists. You may also join the game as a spectator. Whichever crew you select you have got to full your challenge and the task is to cast off your opposing group. Each round will begin with the 2 team spawning on the same time. On this recreation, there are numerous maps protected which may be used for diffusing a bomb or rescuing hostages. This game has were given simple and smooth controls and the photographs are outstanding. Counter and strike 1.6 apk download for free.

Counter Strike Features

Below are interesting features of the game which you’ll revel in after counter and strike 1.6 apk free download.

  1. Mind-blowing first character shooter game.
  2. Considered because of the nice taking pictures recreation of all instances.
  3. Can be a part of both the terrorists or counter-terrorism pressure.
  4. Need to remove the opposing crew.
  5. Numerous maps included.
  6. Easy and easy controls.
  7. Splendid pictures.
  8. Counter and strike 1.6 apk functions

Apr 18, 2018 I am not supporting to use this things, so download the original version of this game and play normally! All websites, software, and gaming company are launching their Android apps. But still, several games are not available in Android store. Don’t worry because there is one method to play your favorite game on Android. I will tell you a trick to download Counter Strike for Android –.


Supported Android Versions

  1. Gingerbread (
  2. H1ycomb ([a]
  3. Ice cream sandwich (
  4. Jellybean (
  5. KitKat (, 4.4w4.4w.2)
  6. Lollipop (
  7. Android marshmallow (
  8. Counterstrike 1.6 apk setup free download

How to Download and Install Counter Strike

So excited to play? Nicely click on beneath button to start download counter and strike 1.6 apk. That is a single direct link to counter and strike 1.6 apk mod with limitless everything.

This is the Android version of the well-known PC game Counter-Strike 1.6.

Counter-Strike 1.6 APK has all the original game features with easy controls. You can play it LAN with your friends or worldwide.


  • Game objectives

Counter Strike Game For Android Free Download Laptop

CS 1.6 Android Gameplay

Naturally, in an action-packed game such as this, two or more parties are involved. Here, players are either governmental counter-terrorist forces, terrorists or a spectator.

Game For Android Apk

To finish a round, one must defeat the other by either reaching the map’s goals or simply eradicating all the enemy. Rounds kick off with each team entitled to one lifeline and when it’s lost, its game over for the losing side.

About four default character modes are available on each side, a total of 8 for both. This means each character mode is a boost. Bonuses are awarded for wins, losing a round, killing the enemy, hostage rescue, planting or defusing the bomb.

Not everyone can make it through, right? So, dead players automatically become “spectators” for the round on course. However, they have the privilege of watching on. Scoreboard bears a statistical venture of the team such as name, number of kills, bomb bearing and VIP’s status. That in itself is a major step up.

You can also play CS GO Android.

Player’s Arsenal

Players often begin with a knife or pistol both of which are upgradable and customizable.

Terrorist teams also carry a bomb. Weapon choice option is very much available.

Counter-Strike 1.6 APK game Features:

  • Easy to download & install
  • CS 1.6 APK file is working on all Android versions
  • Free to download
  • Easy controls
  • HQ Graphics
  • No lag (FPS)
  • No need to root your device
  • Autoupdate

Game objectives

Objectives are solely decided by game map type. The most common ones are; bomb defusal, hostage rescue situations, assassinations, etc.

Hostage rescue situations

Here, counter-terrorist strike team has to rescue hostages held captive by radical rebels.

When time runs out, and mission is not accomplished, the terrorist team wins.

Counter Strike 1.6 Android Game Free Download

Bomb defusal

Bombs and the terrorist teams are inseparable. They strategically plant it and do all they can to keep it out of the counter strike teams’ reach. However, if the Counter-Terrorist team disarms it before time runs out, they win.


A member of the counter strike team is a VIP contact who must be protected until they reach a destination marked out on the map. If the terrorist team kills the contact or time runs out, they win.

The “1.6’ tag is the final key upgrade applied to the game, hence the name. There is no hard and fast rule to the game, miscellaneous tips, challenging levels, and in-game communication cover all.

How to download and install Counter-Strike 1.6 APK on Android

The apk file is very easy to install:

  1. Just click the download button below
  2. Wait until the file is downloaded then open it
  3. Install CS 1.6.apk file on your Android device
  4. Follow the instructions inside
  5. Start and Enjoy the Game

Make sure you checked the box for – ‘Allow installs from other sources than the Play Store’ in your settings

Counter-Strike 1.6 Android is one of the best action games, so you should try it right now.